
domenica 23 agosto 2009


Did you have any of those days when you get back home and you can't but think at a certain glare, stare, remark that anyone has made to you just cause you've talked in a certain way, walked out of fashion, acted out or plain wore something inadequate? That, boys and girls, is stereotyping.Or, as I like to call it myself, people-tagging, as in people with tags attached to themselves.I don't mean the eye visible ones, but there are folks out there that carry these tags(burdens) cause you can sense it.Most of the cases a tagging process takes place due to one's belonging to a comunity e.g. black, hispanic or any other, for that matter. And why do we stereotype people? Cause we can't accept the truth bout them!Cause it'e easyer to just pass someone and not ask questions. We, as humans, like to keep things as simple as possible.Handshakes, saying hi and we're done with the conversation. We don't want to dwelve deeper into anyone's life, habits , personality, thus it comes off a smoother path to just label persons we don't know, rather than taking the time to do so.
Maybe there's a black guy out there that wants to be a lawyer or wants to be into politics, that hasn't got the time to play basketball and whatnot, but we'll always see him around with baggies, in a lowrider, pumping that hip hop sound. Maybe a Chinese guy is an IT expert and dedicates his time to invent new software, instead of copying everything else and put another name on it and sell it as cheap as possible. Maybe not all Italians are mafia men, maybe not all Romanians are gypsies, maybe not all Russians are constantly drunk on vodka. These are just some examples on how we want, and like , to see the world.
It's in our mentality, a mentality that ourselves have created and that won't be easy to tear down and build from scratch again. We'll just have to live on carrying these tags around our necks, waiting for our turn to be displayed in the windows so that the world can exercise its stereotype-thinking on each and one of us.
You'll have to excuse me for now, I've just been labeled as a beer-drinker while writing and apparently the lager's waiting. I'll have to comply, otherwise who knows what else they might label me.
From this other side of the bottle, over and out(for now).

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