
giovedì 31 dicembre 2009

Bye 2009, let 2010 slide in....

It seems like yesterday it was the last day of 2009. Time flies, they say. To me , it's more like it's sneaking up on us...and we are not even aware where it goes. But yet..another year has passed, and we're older :)). I've opened this blog that really goes fucked up, at least I'm honest....:))
What is it here for? I mean no one comments on the posts, the albums posted on rapidshare and to which I'm posting the links are barely downloaded, most likely cause people find them there instead of actually bumping into the blog. To top everything I've got just one ''reader'' with a name and photo of a boxer that's been dead for what...40 years..? What the fuck? Maybe it's his ghost haunting me and the blog, bringing jinx and shit...I bet he'll get off my back after he reads this...then I'll have zero ''readers'' :)). Don't tell me I asked for it, I know....
You know, when a year ends, that makes me think bout all sorts of things. Just like Christmas... I mean the holiday season is always full of all good shit and there's nothing lacking, on any level, from food to clothes and shoes and so on. But yet all that, I feel empty, cause I know there are ..what...thousands of kids and families only in my town that haven't got shit, may it be Christmas, Easter, New Year's or any average day....That makes me throw up all I've eaten and drunk (mentally) , why the fuck I've got everything and the others don't. I know you'll answer me with ''life is hard and unfair, nothing you can do bout it!!!''. I know that, that's the point, I want to do something about it but goddamn all of you saying that make the whole thing a lot harder. What I'm trying to say is we're taking for granted everything we've got. I know I've worked and you've worked your arses off to buy and enjoy stuff, but we're never content, we want more and more. Don't tell me you've never seen persons that have just bought sneakers for 100 euros and one week later they buy another pair, while on the other side of street, inside the second-hand store there's another person buying some second hand stuff but you can see they've worn their clothes at least 3 years before changing to new stuff. We never like what we've got.... It's like we're clothing and shoes anorexics.. Remember at school there was always a colleague that had one parent either a pensionate or janitor, and all the kids were laughing at him/her for that. The laughing part still happens now , how the fuck is that kid supposed to feel when he gets back home. His/her mom/dad work just like anybody else, trying to bring some money into the house, but there's never enough. And that kid grows up disillusioned, all the hope inside him carved out from his's crazy!

I know it's cliched as fuck to say Happy new Year and whatnot, but here it is, Tuemckey wishing you all the best, don't forget you''ll create your next year so don't let anyone get to you with dodgy wishes and shit. Enjoy your lives, somebody else might want to kill to trade places. Peace out! happy new year!


sabato 26 dicembre 2009

Tuemckey's The GREY CITY

The city looked at its most uninviting in the morning. It was half past seven and the traffic chaos reigned over the cold, wet, grey streets. Cars along cars, barely moving one behind the other, formed a rather claustrophobic picture, much as a cow herd lined up to be slaughtered. But the morning was the best part of the day when one could flee. One could easily get lost between the waves of people using trams or buses to reach work or any other destination. And he was now getting immersed into full anonimity of faces, characters, bodies moving in chaos but at the same time coordinated like in a ballet.
He was leaving town, face buried deep in his foulard, a sad yet afraid couple eyes. He didn't know where he was going, neither did he want to know. He just wanted to get away. He was fleeing. It didn't matter he still had a few belongings left in his apartment, the backpack he was carrying felt like it comprised more than enough to start a new life, a new vision on things, maybe even a new name, a complete new identity, a new him. He hadn't taken much in his backpack, yet it felt so heavy, almost dragging him backwards, thus he felt like stopping, to regain his breath and strength.
He checked his pocket again for the envelope. He had to make sure he'd not lose it. That was the door to a new beggining, a new something he wasn't quite sure of, but what he thought he'd get a hold of, eventually. The white-blue striped envelope contained 280 thousand euros and he was given it a week before. It had taken him four days of thinking, battling his own self, making up plans and whatnot. He had come to the conclusion that was better to take the money and run, there was no escape otherwise. The men that had payed him were not playing and they had made him a promise no sane person would ignore. Their ''offer'' contained , amongst others, the words ''kill'', ''you'', ''if'' and ''not''.
''I've done something wrong!'' he kept repeating to himself in a hush voice, while constantly feeling the envelope resting in his pocket.
But what about his parents, his family, his friends. There was no way they could've been bought, they were quite a few. Someone from his entourage at work would notice his absence but the deal was that he was not to talk to anyone or let anyone know he was leaving. In a sense he was leaving forever, so there was no need to leave a phone number or adress where he could be reached.The place towards he was heading probably did not have any of these appliances, it didn't matter. Especially when himself didn't know which way his destiny might take him.
''I've done a bad thing!'' . He started imagining the discussions his acquaintances would have, with him as major subject, the things they'd say about him, the ''cowardness'' stamp they'd apply to his persona. But they weren't in his position, nor would they want to.
He boarded the first bus he could catch, blending with other pale faces, faces that somehow showed they were running too. From what, he didn't know, nor care. All he had in mind now was to get to the train station, grab any train randomly and see where that gets him. There was no time to write down itineraries and destinations. He had no time. He had actually left a day later than the term he was given.
He took a seat, guarding closely his pocket and tilted his head to the side, trying to forget he was a fugitive from a crime he hadn't commited. But soon most of the eyes of his fellow bus travellers dove onto him, making him hear little voices ''what have you done?'' ; ''why did you take the money?'' ; '' go back and face your responsability''.
But he couldn't go back. Just like he knew he couldn't do anything a week earlyer, standing there, frozen, silent, afraid, being the only witness to a murder.He couldn't do anything then, what possibly could he do now?
By the time he had started hesitating going to the police, the murderer and his accomplices already had found him, threatening him, giving him deadlines.In the end the killer had agreed to paying him so he can vanish, hence his murder was needed, not accidentally and did not want anybody else's blood on his hands. He had called himself a ''business man''. One that had businesses all over the city, wether it'd be drugs-affiliated or prostitution based. He was not a person to play games with, surely, although he wore a suit and tie and looked half-reasonable.
The bus stopped at its destination. More people zig-zagging across the streets, trying to get a free seat in one of the departing trains. He didn't even look at the panels above him as he entered the station, instead he sky-rocketed towards the train that looked the most crowded. Hopefully he'd have no more eyes pointing at him.
His running was leaving a cold-blooded murderer on the loose, minding his business, whatever that was, maybe even going to attempt a ''number 2'' crime, assuming that the one he'd witnessed was the killer's first one.
What did it mean going back? Speaking to the local authorities, tell them everything he'd seen and expect them to believe him, much less give him some protection. But the police might have been bought and he'd go right into the wolves' mouth, this time with no chance to escape with 80 thousand euros in his pocket. By leaving all behind, he was at least sure he'd get over what he'd seen and get on with his life. His family and friends would understand eventually, if he's ever let them know. But what if the killer's entourage had so many powerfull connections that by the time he'd give a new fate to his life their tentacles of greed and violence would spread till they'd catch him. His thoughts were zig-zagging all directions like a ping-pong ball. Balancing the truth and the odds was quite a tough task. He was getting a taste of a life he'd spend in hiding, doubting the very own departure and choice.
He looked out the window as the train started to get in motion and familiar places were left behind, forming a certain nostalgic feeling mixed with deep sorrow.
At around 15 minutes mark after the train had left the station he got off, boarded another train in the opposite direction and took his heart in hand, chewing heavily on his lips.
He wasn't sure the thought of running away from his responsabilities was the kosher thing to do. He wasn't trying to be a hero, at all, just be fair to himself.
His pace became swifter and a lot more nervous as he cruised through the morning streets. He knew exactly where he was going, yet a sentiment of a ''first time'' was bewildering him.
He arrived at the police station, not yet buzzing with people, may they be the prosecuted, the arrested or the ones just doing their jobs. He climbed the stairs till the second floor of the precinct and went to the information desk.
-I need to talk with whoever's in charge! he said sweating heavily
-Is anything wrong, sir? a bored voice responded from the other side
-I said I need to talk with whoever's in charge, miss! It's urgent and highly important.
-Sir, please take a seat on the bench behind you, one of my colleagues will get your name and seek to help you with your urgent matter. Thank you.
The bench behind him had one older lady seated, the type that goes to the police cause her cat got up in a tree, but she looked as if she had been waiting there for ten years, the least.
-Listen, miss, I'm not getting seated on no bench, I haven't got time to wait, I've been witnessing a murder, you either get me to the captain or I'll have to find him myself.
The woman behind the desk put the phone down and looked him in the eyes for the first time.
-Come with me, please.
She led him up to the fifth floor, where the captain was buried in paperwork, cussing right and left.
She knocked on the door.
-Not now, I'm busy! a growled man shouted from inside
She opened the door, enough to peek and spoke.
-I'm sorry, sir, but I've got here a person who wants to see you. He says it's important and won't speak with anybody else but you.
-I said I'm busy now. I've got so much paperwork to figure about, plus the mayor's up my ass so deep on the Ritter case that he's touching my vocal cords. Who the fuck is this lunatic and what does he want?
-He won't say , sir!
-Great, another son-in-law......Send the fruitcake in, if you hear me cuss more than normally, call up the boys. And next time do your job, don't bring anyone up if I've got a thousand things to settle. Ok? Miss?
-Yes, sir...
-Let him in...
The captain pushed some dossiers to the side so he could see this man when he'd be seated in front of him. The man entered cautiously, closed the door eficiently and looked around.
-Are you the person in charge?
-What do you mean? Yes, I'm the captain, I'm in charge of this precinct, of the persons that work inside this precinct, of the services provided in this precinct. How can I be of your assistance?
-Is it safe to talk?
The captan raised his hands above his head.
-The interogatory room is two floors below. My office has written ''captain'' on its front door. I'm listening...
The captain grimaced.
The man took a seat and leaned forward.
-I've seen a murder happen. I've seen the killer's face. I'm the only witness. And I know who the killer is...
-Ok..the captain responded uninterested but wanting to hear more of the loon's ''problem'' before having him thrown out his office.
-I don't know his name, but he's been in papers, I'm sure I'll recognise him from there.
-Well, we've got the database.
-I don't think he's ever been arrested or prosecuted before, he's a businessman.
-So you've seen a businessman kill a person......the captain sucked on his teeth. How come you know he's not in our database and how the hell do you know he's a businessman? Where were you when this ''crime'' occured?
-Listen, it happened more than a week ago, there will be some details I might not remember 100% spot on, but I just wanna make sure I'll have 100% cooperation from you and the department and security.
-Wait, you witnessed a crime a week ago and you come tell us now? the captain almost jumped out his chair. What the fuck were you doing up till now? Minding your own business, going fishing?
-Listen , I didn't know what to do. I was approached by these guys who offered me money to keep my mouth shut and my head on my shoulders and pretend I had never seen what happened there and then. I was confused at first, then afraid, afraid, afraid and so on. That's why I need protection. If I testify and the case goes to court, which I'm sure it's bound to happen, I want to feel safe entering the justice hall leaving my house, police station, supermarket or any other landmark I'm at. Deal?
The captain looked unconvinced by the whole story.
-Ok, we'll get the bad guy-guys, no worries. I'm still bugged bout the fact you took money, that makes you an accomplice to murder.
-What the hell are you on? Accesory to murder? I was trying to get away from something I don't want to be part of and now you're treating me as if I'm the murderer. Realise this, the killer is a cold-blooded person that'll do anything, and I suppose having his power and money and place in society really does get him that advantage, thus me bailing out on any ''normal'' responsabilities any ''normal'' citizen has when witnessing a crime occur is pretty much legitimate, to me at least. How many people out there on the streets do you see raising their hands yelling ''I've seen a crime, I'm a witness, the killer knows me, I've got two kids but I'll testify and point him out to you cause all I wanna do is my job as a tax-paying citizen!''. Not even one, everybody's scared. We're talking my life here, and I've seen how quickly a life can be erased off...In a nutshell, I didn't want to be-I didn't feel like being his next victim. For what, medal of honour?!
The man leaned back.
-Ok, alright, we'll leave that on the side for now.
-So, can I get protection if I testify.....?
-I'm pretty much sure we can offer you security till the whole process is due finish, all I'm interested in now is pointing the finger at the right person. Are you sure you can still remember his face when seeying a photo of him? Are you sure you can confirm the killer when you see him?
-Yes! Otherwise I wouldn't be here...
The captain stood from his chair.
-Good, I'll go call one of the officers to bring you to the data base room and then go to the morgue, maybe you can identify any of the recent John Doe as the victim. In the meantime I want you to remember what was he wearing, anything particular about his speach or just any other detail that might give away his identity. Please excuse me now, wait here.
The captain left his office in swift-mode for about quarter of an hour only to return with a bulk of folded pages with names and photos.
While he was away, the man started looking around and outside the policeman's office, cautiously, trying to figure out if he'd been followed or was out the danger zone. He then started flipping through the pages of the daily newspaper that layed atop the captain's desk. Boring sentences about uninteresting events or subjects formed the majority of topics the newspaper covered. There was just one article at the bottom of the third page, in the Economics part of the paper, written in small but bold letters that caught his attention. It read ''Billionaire owner and CEO of Ritter Industries makes partnership for future chain of realty agencies''. A small, almost indescifrable,black&white photo stood on the right side of the article, a man with a smile took out of toothpaste ads being the person portrayed. He recognised the man who he was running from, the one that had paid him to keep his mouth shut. The clock ticked and tocked, and the captain re-entered his office. He put the cup of coffee down and threw the papers in front of the seated man.
-Alright, these are a few people we want you to look at, they're not exactly businessmen, as you put it, but you can never know. Unfortunately the data base room is a bit crowded at the moment so we'll do with these for now. Plus I've got you an appointment at the morgue in an hour from now, so let's get this over with.
-I'm afraid those names and the photos won't be necessary anymore. I've got you a name already. And a face.
-Really? You're not a magician when you're not witnessing murders, are you? Let me hear it.
The man tossed the newspaper to the cop.
-Page three, bottom, left corner. That's your man...
The captain went through the article and asked after a while.
-Him who?
He paused, looked at the photo and then stared into the nameless man's eyes.
-You must be joking? Pete Ritter? The billionaire? You've seen him murder someone? the captain almost burst into laughter.
-Yes, it's him.The photo might be a tad bit blurry but it's him, I tell you. Now, I remember he argued the victim about a joint venture with a company, but the man he killed wasn't actually thrilled with his ideas. I suppose he was a pawn standing in the way of something much bigger than business differences, so that's why he had to take him out. The way he did it though, looked as if it was his profession.
The cop smiled.
-And you might know that ''profession''........You really want me to believe that Pete Ritter, a filthy rich man, with an impressive background on charity and city economy development has personally pulled the trigger and killed a man cause he din't agree with his business agenda? Are you a fucking lunatic? He's got the money and power to deal with any magnate in the country, yet you tell me he's killing business partners. Do you really know who Ritter is? Across the past 12 years he's been almost single-handedly turning this city in a thriving , booming economic center, allowing jobs to be given to...what, maybe a couple million people? Not to mention the charity work he's known for or all other activities he's been part of. Well, excuse me, but I just don't buy it. Are you one of his employees, trying to throw dirt onto everything he's worked for just cause he's denied you a raise? What?
-Fine, you don't believe me. Just have one of your men sent to Magmun Street, that's where you'll find the gun he's used, along with his prints on the gun. The bullet will match the one of the John Doe I'm gonna identify. Then, call me crazy.
The captain looked even more unconvinced than before. He felt he wasn't doing his job, just following an unknown man's rant, that involved the most powerfull citizen of the city, the President's equal in the area. He felt like hearing stories about the President's smoking weed days in college. Utter bullshit.
-Ok, let me give a few calls and get my men to work. Don't move from here, though! Don't move!
The cop exited his office again, shouting at his men, making threats that people will get fired and whatnot.
The man waited and waited, anxiously, figuring the police must've gone already to the killer's house to arrest him. He wasn't far from the truth.
When the captain came back, he bore a victorious smile on his face.
-What took you so long? the man asked.
-Police work does take a lot of time, Nick. It seems your story checked out..
-How the fuck do you know my name?
-Cause I've told him who you are, Nick......
A deep, manly voice was heard a split second later, as Pete Ritter, clad in 30 thousand euros Burberry suit, matching with custom-made Armani shoes, entered the office, followed by three of his bodyguards that took no blinking time to strap Nick to the chair and apply a short lesson of manners consisting in a few swift but heavy punches to his liver and chin.
-Captain, could I have some privacy , please? Me and the gentlemen here, have to talk business issues, said Ritter.
He took a seat in the policeman's chair and smiled at Nick.
-You must be really stupid, Nick, to throw away those two hundred eighty thousand and come here, with your chest up front, bursting dignity and social pride or whatever to give me in. I thought you'd be more intelligent than going to the police. At least you've shown you're pretty smart in all the missions I've given you, except one, of course. But to go to the cops? Bad mistake, bad one , indeed. What were you thinking? Mind you, I don't reckon you could've gone any place else, but still...
-You prick!
-How the hell do you think I've created my business empire? You might not need be reminded that everything needs authorizations, papers legalised, relationships, bureaucracy. Handshakes not so legal. Handshakes that guarantee payments to those people that keep things flowing like honey on a buttered piece of bread. Business needs to blossom and be kept alive, I don't need a hibernation season. Did you really think I hadn't payed the police up till now? Or the judges, attorneys? After all these years? I own the city, I've built it, I've created a large share of its economy with my bare hands. Hands that helped other hands and other hands and in the end there's this chain of hands that's impenetrable, and each hand does its part, having a piece afterwards, of course. You've worked for me, you know how these things work, don't you look at me that way, Nick! You're more guilty than me on this, and you know it!
-I know it my ass, you killed that man! I ain't guilty with shit.
-Let's not play the saint-part now, Nick. It was you that pulled the trigger, you're the murderer, you should be in jail now. But no, I give you 280 thousand, which is not a small sum by any means, tell you to lay low, and you go to the police to spray shit in my face? What kind of a fucking reward is that? Good thing the captain knows me, I actually had a convention down at the Wharf but run up till here to see what's going on. The captain has got a few rotten twigs within his branches that are not on payroll, but at the end they'll either be or be forced to find another job. Cause, who are they gonna rat on, their own superiors to their own superiors.That'd mean losing their jobs anyhow.
-So, what do you want now? Frame me and let the police take care of me? It'd be just the same process as you taking care of me. Are you gonna shoot me in public? These people might be on your payroll but seeying you shoot one that works for you might be a bit of a let-down. They might see themselves in my shoes one day, which would not be very pleasant, surely. You might get your whole posse turning against you with spears and a vengeance.
-''Has worked''......You don't work for me anymore, Nick. Which is a let-down, I might add. But you don't know my posse, as you call it. And I ain't letting no one starve, you know that...How the hell would they turn against me? They've got jobs...You think you had gotten me in a net, forming ideas about me based on your thoughts and the relationship we've had? You think you could draw a character portrait of me, Nick? C'mon, it's me , Pete! I'm ambiguous cause I have to, cause I want to, cause I am that! Besides, that ''crime'' there really got me hyped over using guns. I had thought money can make people disarm themselves and I never had to use any, I had you all to do that, but holding that gun really reminded me of the sheer power it has. It's great! It fascinates me so much that I'm really gonna start using it more often, thanks to you. Why should I allow my ''posse'' to have more fun than me? Ain't that right, Rob?
Ritter's bodyguard didn't flinch.
Nick-something tried to loosen his body from the strap, to no good results.
-Listen, Pete, cut the bullshit. We're not here to play chess, are we? If that's the case, send one of your boys to get me a fresh squized orange juice while we're at it.
A couple more fists plunged into Nick's left ribs.
-That's enough, Rob, please, said Ritter.
He opened the paper that stood in front of him. Didn't find anything interesting to read till page three, bottom left.
-That man was opposing the idea of merge. I couldn't have that, I'm a businessman. I've been one for twenty years, why should I stop being good at something just cause a minor bump in the road makes my car go slower. You see, that person was like a needle and nobody likes needles. They're small, you can barely see them but they cause so much pain, it's ironic. So that needle had made my tire go flat. I couldn't have that. All I had to do was get rid of the needle in the tire and throw the tire away. Which I've done, with your help, even though it was a quarter of a helping hand....Now I'm running on a new tire on the route of good business again . I won't bother you with any details, let's just say the ''needle'' story is an overall attribute I would've given that man. When you're in my position you can't think of any other alternative, there just isn't any. Follow me?!
Ritter lifted his head from the paper.
Nick, with his nose bleeding and fairly beaten, didn't look as fierce as he once used to.
-Thing is I've always liked you, Nick, that's the truth. You had that passion, that drive that nobody else in my crew, up till you and probably after you, has. The way you carried out the missions was genius. Now, good Rob here might pack a better punch than you, I'm sure, but he hasn't got quite the finesse you had and I suppose you still have. No offence, Rob.
The bodyguard didn't flinch, nod nor move in any way that made his employer's statement agreeable or not.
Ritter carried on his speech.
-What I'm saying is this: I'll give you two hours to run, hide, prepare, fuck, piss or whatever. After that, we'll be on your ass. If you manage to take out all my men then it's a bravo for you! Not only that, but you'll keep the 280 thousand and you'll never hear from me again. I'll close the books, and that's that. If I see you on the street I don't know you, I don't say hi, I don't shake your hand. Understood?
Nick nodded.
-Let me guess, there's a counter-offer with that, too, innit...
Ritter smiled.
-If you can't make it against my men, well...I've said it all already. Your time! Get the fuck out of here. We'll watch you so don't even come up with a stupid plan!
Ritter's men let Nick go. While he descended the stairs he felt dizzy, having too much information to cope with, that he had to sort into useful things that might help in his tactics.
The businessman and his men were discussing their own plan, that came with a strenght: it never failed.
-I'm quite sorry that a good boy like Nick had to go. I had big things planned for him.
-Why don't you let me handle this, sir. Me alone, I don't need these muppets.....the lumberjack-looking bodyguard asked Ritter.
Pete sighed.
-Cause you Rob are a brute! Try to be a businessman, like me. If you have to fight, physically I mean, why not let the others fight for you, with you being the winner anyhow.
Ritter and Rob smiled.
Nick had to think what to do. Ritter's words ''don't try anything stupid, we're watching you'' echoed in his mind. He had to gather all knowledge he had to get up front. He was aware of having two thugs keeping a close eye on him so the phone calls he'd make or the actions he'd start better be good ones. Of course, the years spent in the Elite Forces would certainly be helpful, most likely Ritter and his men wouldn't know what hit them as soon as the game would start. He actually thought being the stalked one was an advantage.
He tried to lose the two gorillas for enough time to make an important phone call.
-It's me, I need all the help you can give me at the moment. Guns, ammo, surveillance. You owe me anyhow. First, take the two monkeys off my back and give me a secure place. One's wearing a striped leather jacket and jeans, the other a brown hoodie and baggies. They're about 6'5 tall and maybe 20 meters behind me. Call me back on this number but be discrete about what you talk about.
-Welcome back, falcon. Nice to hear from you again, the mysterious voice on the other end said.
Half hour later the two thugs had dissapeared in an instance and Nick had been provided with a safe house, overlooking the police station and the captain's office in which Ritter was doing his reckoning.
He now had binoculars, enough guns and ammo to start a war. He already had the expertise.
Through the binoculars' lens he saw Ritter make phone calls to what he presumed to be the thugs. He didn't look very happy when no one answered. And he looked even more on the brink of having a seizure when Nick sent him a message ''Let's dance, it's what you wanted''.
Ritter soon stormed out of his office, followed by his cohort of bodyguards yelling and screaming.
-How the fuck did you lose him? Where is he?
Nick hesitated for a moment. He had Ritter on sight and it'd take one split second for the bullet to reach his former employer's cranium and make a mess around him if he'd pull the trigger on his sniper rifle.
''I'm gonna leave you for the end, Pete.''
He smiled. He was starting to have fun with it.
When Ritter got in the car and started driving to an unknown destination, Nick put a bullet each into the two guards on each side of Ritter on the back seat. The limo suddenly braked.
-What the fuck?!!? Ritter screamt. Rob, the bastard must be in one of the buildings behind us. Pronto, get him!
No guard left any other car, Nick shot continuous fire onto them, tires deflating, shrapnels ricocheting, people dying.
Nick laughed.
''C'mon, Pete, show me what you got!''
Rob managed to get behind the wheel and turn the car around and, although under heavy rain of bullets he stopped below the building Nick was using as sniper place.
Rob's bulky body made his way through doors, head-kicking anything that looked as an opponent, even inanimate.
Nick called his mysterious friend again.
-Look, he's inside the building, but I can't take him, no visibility. My ribs are broken, so no hand combat, besides I'm leaving the last bullet for Ritter. Take care of him, will you?
-Roger that, Nick ol' boy. Will do so.
Nick's friend had positioned himself in another building, a few blocks away, watching the action take pace calmly but always ready to get into battle-mode.
Rob didn't reach the second floor out of six when he got shot in his right arm, making him drop his gun.
''How many of you fuckers are you?'' he grunted. He retrieved his gun with his left hand and continued climbing the stairs.
''You just won't give up...'' Nick's friend thought.
The second shot hit Rob's left arm, making him stop.
''Time to say good-bye, big boy..''
Two seconds later Rob made his final halt, when his face hit the cold pavement. He should've left the others fight first. There was nobody else left, though, just Ritter in the back seat of his limo, looking scared and covered with his guards' blood.
-The big guy is out, Nick. Ritter's getting out of the car. Want me to get him too..?
-No, he's mine. Thank you. Get out of here.
-No sweating, see you around.
Nick cluched the trigger, having the image of a Ritter with his hands raised, slighly shaking, through his lens. The red dot from the rifle changed position on Ritter's blood-covered suit, but he didn't notice it just before it was too late. The red dot merged with the blood that shot out Ritter's head, making him collapse to the ground, first on his knees, then plunging with his whole body ahead.
'' And I'm keeping the 200 thou, motherfucker!''
Nick took the headphones and glasses off and put the rifle on a side. He could barely stand, the hits to the liver and ribs were just about now making themselves present in his organism. He took a deep breath ans started couching. He coughed blood. Where was it coming from? He soon felt blood pouring out of a wound in his stomach, that must've hit the liver. He didn't feel it, just though it was there. He had taken two bullets from his old partner. The same one he had covered for a murder of a kid and for which he had gotten fired from the Elite Forces. He, of all people, should've seen it coming. His ''friend'' had given him a building which could be seen from his position, but the place where he had shot from was out of Nick's vision. Even it it were, his last bullet had taken care of Ritter.
''I guess you were right, Pete''.
-Nick, are you still there, buddy? a voice was heard in the headphones.
Nick tried to reach for them, but couldn't.
-I appreciate what you've done for me and all, but there's no way I can let you get out of here, not after this, at least. You went after your boss, what could've stopped you from coming after me , afterwards, would be the next man's guess. You know how these things work. It's an off-operation operation. Good-bye, ol' friend.
Those were the last words Nick heard before his eye lids closed forever.
Far away from the building massacre, people were minding their businesses, trying to flee the city, trying to flee the feeling of being trapped in a grey city that consumed its inhabitants and that fed on the blood that crept into the pavements, into the asphalt, into the buildings, making working places more evil and the persons working inside too. The grey city had taken a few more lives in its dark and greedy heart, giving the remaining inhabitants no chance to survive.
Running away from everything was inevitable.



The grey city with its unnerving grip
won't let you go, won't let you run
won't give a chance, nor let you keep
your life, this is a world without sun.

each day you feel sick and coughing
each day you start from scratch, from zero
you'll see the city enjoy its laughing
cause it is master, you're no hero.

All rights reserved Tuemckey 2009.

giovedì 3 dicembre 2009

Vote me!

I'm not a fan of voting. There, I said it. I don't vote. I just don't. The only time I did was a few years back when I had to agree or not with changing the Romanian Constitution. I cast the ''YES'' vote although I had no idea what was that all about. Cause you see, they never tell you really what are you voting for or whom. Just watch some political debate for once and you can realise they sure use some nice pompous, unheard of words in well-built sentences, but goddamn if they have any real essence once they shout their mouths. And you're left there, with an amazed face, half-stuck mentally, cause frankly you haven't understood any word whatsoever. When that happens, normally, when you've got to vote, there's always a voice telling you ''and you'll be offered beer and free bbq, so jump the wagon!''. That sounds such a good idea to the majority of voters that wake up the next morning with a hang-over, a full stomach and a new president, parliament etc.
Now, I hate all political parties and members, no matter what colour their politics or doctrine is and whatnot, but we seem to forget one thing as soon as we criticise politicians: that they are just like us, to a certain extent, of course(for example I don't ride to work in a 80 thousand euros limo) and if that's not enough, at least they used to be like us, before turning to fooking politicians.
I mean , how many of you out there actually would try to go word by word with the promisses you've made in your campaign as soon as you're elected? I don't see any raised hands......
If ever would be a law that claims ''one that kills a politician receives great state honours and wealth'' I'd be the first one to collect, but I know , on the other hand, that if I'd be in , say, my countrie's president shoes I'd probably do the same shit he's done. First think about me, theeeeeen come the others.You see where I'm trying to get at?
Just don't expect a sudden change of grandious proportions once you've voted a certain bloke that told you he'll do this and that. Most likely he's got a family(most politicians do have 15 thousand members families, though) and he's got to think about them first, you're a mere name at the bottom of your countrie's archives, laying forgotten in a dusty, dark and closed room than nobody ever enters. Get used to that! If not, VOTE ME!
I promise.......


Go with it, you ain't gonna listen to us anyway....!!!

Ok, listen up, people. I want you all to take a couple minutes off from whatever the hell you're doing and do me a favor: come up with as many things, good ones, of course, that could be done with 3o billion US dollars. Yes, you've heard me right, 30 BILLION dollaz!!!! I'll be here waiting for your lists.
........................................................................................................................................................................'ve still got 30 seconds out of those 2 minutes, don't rush yourselves!!!
Ok, most likely you've come up with some 30 billion possibilities to spend that amount of dough doing good stuff, ain't that right? Well, fuck YOU, you're wrong! Cause someone has got only one idea and option related on how to spend the money: president Barack Hussein Obama, or as some of you might know him The Black Guy from the White House. Yep, that's him alright!
He was scratching his head a few days ago about solutions to see that money flee the country and he came up with the most brilliant idea any American could have since re-electing Bush in 2004, which is: send more troups in Afghanistan! But not a small contingent of the highly super-trained, super-head-shaved, super-bubble-gum-chewers, super-cuss-words-users, super-bulked(cause apparently the enemy is so so scared of their pects and six-pack tummy) Navy Seals or whatever the fuck they might call them nowadays, but 30.000 soldiers. What's wrong with this picture, tell me! Well, they can kill and fuck up some alien robots that have got a better technology, they can outstand alien invasions on screen, but goddamn if they can take some Afghan peasants that shoot some rusty old Soviet guns from the '80's. Not only that but I'm sure the American goverment puts a significant sum up any soldier' ass for training, as for the Afghans are just mere opium farmers......There's still something wrong with the picture, innit?
So, the black guy sends some more troops out there and at the same time asks(it's more like ''if you don't comply, we'll send the nukes on yo' ass!!!) his allies to keep their soldiers too. That means those other countries(and there's quite a few of them) have to pay and pay and pay to keep the soldiers there. And hence all the highly-trained-butt-kickers-striptease-joints-goers-loud-assholes soldiers have six packs, they must eat steaks and drink beer, limitless, while some of the population back home is quite struggling to get by, day after day.
''There's a war going on, man!''. I can't remember what film is it from, but I can't see any war out there, I mean it ain't going any direction, whatsoever!Of course, we all know it's not democracy and all that bullshit that they're looking to bring in Afghanistan, but goddamn, all least get the prisoners out there to harvest your heroin plants!
Thus, overall, there's a recession happening throughout the world, people are being left without jobs, houses, chances to get by, there're no funds for healthcare, disease treatments, education and so on, yet they dispatch these 30.000 soldiers with 30 billion dollars! Good on you , president Obama! And then you ask yourself why the population wouldn't want to shake your hand, ''oh, americans are racists, they can't take having a black person in the White House.''
Certainly, they can, it would be someone that mops the floor, not one that sells the country's possibility to get back on its feet......
Over and out,

P.S. Vote the black muslim guy for four more years in 2012!!! I just hope by then some other country could come up with a serious opium area, cause frankly, Afghanistan is getting old already.

Some poems from october...

Just two short poems that were laying around my all-year-long-messy room, so I though ''let me post them, till I lose them''. Here there are.

a) As I look out the window I see
My life shattered in thousand bits and pieces
the image gives me chills and lets me be
the one from my nightmare that my dream misses.

b) As I look out the window that's you
trying to be another person lost in thoughts
of who are we really and what to do
the rest of the world is demons and we are its ghosts.

c) There's no dosage of hope that can make us happyer
not enough tears that can bring us to childhood
the windows are now closed and the look is sappyer
that doesn't mean we can't be good.

Time is passing and you're not changing forever
but people are always themselves, they don't get better
they are not rocks in the sea, nor birds in the sky
feelings might heal with time, but at the end we all die.
At least we all try to give a meaning to life
try to fight this feeling of strife, living inside
the only option is believe in yourself, open your mind
and after all these years, tell what you'll find.


martedì 1 dicembre 2009

Is it so hard??????!!!!!

What's up with Americans or English slaughtering any word that is not part of their beloved language? Goddamn, is it so hard to pronounce any other word other than your own how it should be? Look at their pronounciation of Italian and Spanish, French, German, you name it. Basically, as soon as they open their mouths and try to speak a different language, they automatically stabb it three hundred times a second. Is it so hard to say grazie instead of graz-ee, or gracias instead of grazias(cus hey, they all sound the same don't they?). They practically kill words, really, no joke, I'm working with tourists and although I'm not a native speaker of any of the afore mentioned languages, I feel pissed upon when hearing their invertebrate ''versions'' of easy-to-pronounce words. It's like they're chewing rocks when trying to speak anything else than English. Either that, or their tongues have been cut off and replaced with rubber ones, thus resulting in original sounds and tones that a normal tongue would do and have to not be available to them. And don't get me started on Dutch, that's even freakin' worse......
On the other hand, they expect us(the rest of the world) to speak their language as clear and as best we can, cause hey, otherwise we're the terrorists !!! Scary, huh? Thought so...
Anyway, that was my rant for today...
Over and out, T.

The PUZZLE explained....

This comes as a response to a mate of mine that has asked me bout the object in the detective's eye. Is it or is it not there?
Well, I'm gonna clear that up and explain other things or plot holes in the process. That doesn't mean you won't scratch your head anymore after reading the story, saying ''what was that all about?'', but I hope I can shed some light on a few things.I wanted to give answers to non-asked questions anyhow, so here there are.
First of all the object/microscopic camera or whatever you'd like to call it, that causes the officer eye problems is not there. It's just the feeling that there's something inside him, that's taking over, something that he can't scratch or make it go away, cause at the end it's him. The problems with his eyes come from the images of those dead girls his bad half murdered, images that are stuck inside his brain. Remember he had nighmares in the beggining of the case.Remember also, the officer does take an eye test but the doctor doesn't find anything, cause there's nothing there, in the first place.It's more of a mental felt problem rather than physical, although he can't tell the difference .
Ok, the whole story is a modern take on Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde myth. Double personality. The Hulk and Dr Banner. This time though, the cop is not aware of having an alter-ego, much less he's a killer, the one he's looking for so passion-filled.The killer, on the other hand knows everything about the officer, that's why he's not leaving any prints or evidence material at the crime scenes. He's trying to slowly break his cop side down with his killings and take over. But how in the hell are they the same person? They meet, talk, they share a few pages being face to face.Well, that's the battle that goes inside himself, a battle that he loses at the end, resulting in the killer taking over full time.
So, there's no one breaking the cop's apartment, trashing his house, there're no black guys abducting him.That's why there's only James in the mansion at the end. And that's why he doesn't tell his fellow colleagues about the meeting with the killer two days after.There is no such thing.By that time the killer has taken over and just plays the cop part.
The last letter the precinct receives is written by the cop in his last moments of control over his mind and actions.
Ok. Another hint at double personality is the ''puzzle'' confession. The killer himself talks about not liking puzzles in the beggining of his life, but bit by bit he learnt to. You can take that as the transformation inside him, his mind slowly changing, without him actually noticing.Just like remembering how fat or skinny you were ten years ago, or how your hair looked. You don't realize the change has been radical till late.That's what happens with the cop, he knows he's the killer when it's too late.Besides, the officer's gun fitted the killer's hand perfectly, remember?
The fake book The barbie Syndrome (which I might write some day in the future) is not mentioned concidentally. Remember, the actions of the killer in the book are triggered by math ecuations. It's not pointed out in the story, but the japanese killer grows as a half-retarded, math-hater in his childhood, only to become a sort of genious in his late twenties when he starts his killing spree.That's why our killer does what he does after doing puzzles.The cop does not know how to solve any, that's why he loses out to the killer. Am I making this even more ambiguos than the actual story?Oh well....
Anyway, just cause I tried to put some points on things, that doesn't mean any of you can't make their own version of how things went.I ain't gonna hold a grudge. I just thought an explanation was needed and hence I wrote the stuff I should at least be clear and precise.
Till we meet again, all the best and read my stuff, listen to the music up on here.
Shout out to all Romanians out there(it's national day today, Dec 1st!!!!, although I couldn't care less :)))))) and a special thank you to Moromete cause he's been reading my crazy stuff from beggining, and I hope he'll still do....:))

martedì 20 ottobre 2009

Tuemckey's THE PUZZLE(Piece C)

C.The puzzle's complete, is there any piece missing?

''What does the bastard want now?'' James asked himself.Maybe he was tired of this whole letter charade and wanted to reveal himself. Step into the light and become known, shwon on tv, interviewed by newspapers. Just like any other serial killers. He wanted to be famous.
''Nah, it can't be it.''James responded to himself.
He hadn't made more than 50 yards from his apartment flat when a white van approached him, two black guys looking like bodybuilders jumped at him, spraying mace into his face and throwing his numb, non-responding body inside.No chance of calling his partners now. If there ever was a chance. The van rode with such haste and speed that it seemed the end of the world was cahsing after them and the driver and occupants were the only persons that knew about it.
Finally James could face his obsession for the past half year, see what flesh he was made of and what motives sprung behing his actions.
One hour later he had been dumped in an old and remote mansion, outside the city limits and off the recent maps. They had tied him to a chair in a cold room, listening to screams, yells and shrieks of women.
The supposed serial killer entered the room. He turned the lights on but James was still bended.
-Welcome, agent Strohm! I've been expecting you....
-Who are you, you sick degenerate bastard?
-let's not give in to vulgarities, shall we agent.I'm sure the Academy teaches its men to handle any situation they're in, dangerous or otherwise, with extreme caution and calm. That, for me at least, means a certain tone when coverstaing, a certain approach to the person you're speaking with. In this case, me. And I don't think you've shown any of the imposed rules just now.
-You're still a fucking degenerate bastard, you prick! Let me go and I'll show you manners, the same ones you've shown your victims.
-Victims? ha....Why do you want to call them that? Do you think they would want to be remembered by that name? The victim of a serial killer. Please bear in mind that all of my killings have not been casual the least, but thoroughly planned.And frankly, I'm quite proud of that...
-You're proud of being a killer? You bastard!
James still struggled to break free from the ties.
-I'll put the language to the shock and to the spray. I'm not a killer, I'm only human. No one can be given the fault for my actions, but neither I can be called by that name. Do you think I chose to end those girls' lives? Nobody chooses its own life and you know that. Did you choose your life, your job, agent Strohm?
-Yes, I did, so I can lock forever behind bars sonavabitches like you....
James spat, but his target was thin air.
-I'm starting to believe you've got a limited vocabulary, agent. Surely you can do better than that . I thought of you highly, please don't disappoint. Do you think the men you put in prison choose their fate? It is only society and lifestyle that makes them do what they do, act abnormal, as many would put it, be the outlaws.Do bear in mind that these individuals have wives, kids , families. And you, by ending their freedom, are breaking apart families.Can you imagine a girl that loves his father, although he's a...say...rapist, crying hot, sad, salty tears upon hearing the news that she doesn't have a dad anymore, cause you've locked him away. Do you choose to do that? It just happens. Do you think a blind man chooses to be blind, a deaf chooses to be deaf, a mute chooses to be mute?
-What has this got to do with your gruesome murders?
-It has got ot do a lot.You don't understand it now cause you can't see with my eyes, but i'll tell you more about that later.
-How many have you killed?
The killer didn't respond.
-Why did you bring me here?
Silence. No answer.
-Answer me, you fucking motherfucker.
-Again with that tone, agent. That's no way to talk with your counterpart..
-Counterpart my ass, you fuck! Do you wanna kill me, torture me, what?Just get this over with! I'm not writing your biography so I don't want to listen to your thoughts, ideas.I don't give a fuck about what you are and who you are. To me, you're a pathethic fuck that's trying to find himself motives for the crimes he's comitted. Aren't you?
-You're quite far and away from the truth.Tell me, what are we as humans? Are we superior beings put on earth? Are we having the right to rule earth and opress other animals or other lifeforms. cause in the end we're nothing more than the most vicious and savage animals. It's in our blood. We crave for raw food, raw flesh.Tell me, don't you find it awkward that when a car accident, a train disaster etc. happens, we as people can't do anything else but gather around the place of massacre and gaze, grinning, hungry for more.Cause we're plain hyenas and we sense death and blood from miles away and we live with the images of limbs torn apart and stomachs turned open or broken craniums. It's our natural drug. What keeps us high.If we wouldn't get this dosage this dosage we'd start killing eachother, for nothing, just to stop the urge of seeying and tasting atrocities with our eyes. It's who we are.
-What the fuck are you talking about? Are you on drugs or something? So, because you don't see enough crime reports on the daily news you've just become a killer yourself, so you can live these events in first person.
-I think you're confining me in a small box, agent.
-You're fucking right I do. It's called solitary, for 40 fucking years. That's what you deserve.
-And you might be the one to judge what anyone deserves. Then you might enlighten me on several issues. Do you think The Vietnamese deserved to be bombed by the Americans? Or the Koreans, Irakis and so on? Do you think we deserve the right to vote and after 4 years of lies we find out our vote has been lost to oblivion. Do you think Africa deserves to be raped 500 more years so that the whites can finally say ''there's nothing we can do for you anymore, we're sorry.'' Do you think those girls that I've killed deserved to die by my knives. Or the ones that wait their turn? Agent, you're mistaking alot of my discussion with you with some sort of trying to escape plea. I'm not trying to escape, cause i know I can't be caught.And I'm gonna give you answers to your questions. But you won't ask me anything.
-What kind of game is this?
-It's no game, agent.
The room, although was very cold, temerature-wise, felt like a sauna for the police officer.
The killer was toying with his mind, probably trying to get answers from him, see how much they knew about him.The truth was they didn't know anything, or close to anything, so in case he'd make it alive, he'd use all the info to get the bastard, once and for all.
-I'm all ears, said James.
-Good, you should be.I know one of your colleagues named ''The Barbie syndrome'' book as a point of reference next to my killings.I've never actually read it, although I hear it's quite good, nor have I based anything I've done on even the rumour of it existing and its premise. Besides my girls have not been prostitutes.
How could he know of the book? James asked himself.There had been nobody from the outside at the time that conversation had taken place.And he hadn't mentioned it to nobody else outside the precinct.
-You wanna know why you feel as if you're having something stuck in your eye? It's because you do have something in your eye. I planted a microscopic camera behind your retina that's linked to the one I have. So, everything you see I see and vice-versa. But only if I want to.You probably don't remember but those nightmares that you had were images sent by me through the device in your eye.
When had that happened? He couldn't remember anyone breaking into his apartment to plant a camera in his eye. This was turning into a creepy confession, to say the least.
-The numbers of killings I've made is 17.I've got three more on my list, but you can save them. Do you like puzzles, agent? I never did like puzzles when I was a kid. All those pieces that didn't fit, then when they did, there were pieces that din't make sense withing the whole. But as yaers passed, I grew fond of them and learnt the secrets of building a puzzle, learnt the way the pieces must grow the entire picture, it's quite an art, in my opinion. And with a puzzle you can save the next 3 girls' lives. I'll tell you how you'll do this. I've cut already 3 dead girls into pieces, so you've got three sets of 2 hands each, arms, legs and so on.
James started to puke.His stomach and his mindwould not bear the torture the killer's words were inflicting on him.
-Don't worry, I've cleaned them of blood, besides they're bandaged. So, what you have to do is to put together these 3 bodies in order to save the remaining 3 ''vic-tims'' on my list. I guarantee I'll flee the city and you'll never meet me again. I can't let you get me, but at least you have saved 3 women from their deaths and at the end of the day, you're still the hero.If you're able to put just one body in its rightfully order, you'll save just one girl and so on.
James almost fainted.
-Hope you're good with puzzles.I wouldn't want you to miss this opportunity of saving these lives.No you get the chance to choose life over death and decide who deserves to live and who not to.And to make your work easyer, I'll show you the footage of the girls being choped up. Maybe that way you can remember the parts better.
The killer pressed a button on a remote he held in his right hand and soon the ligyhts were dimmed and a clip started playing. He took the bend off James' face and put a knife blade between his teeth.
-This will help you get free. I'll be upstairs, watching you all the time. After you cut the ties, you'll find the bodies in the large freezer behind the closet. I assume you'll know what to do afterwards.
The serial killer's voice sounded more familiar now than ever.Could he have been someone he'd know? Soeone close to him?
The killer closed the door behind him, looking at the officer's weapon. It fitted his hand perfectly.
-Nice gun...


James gathered all his men to bring the news.
-As of today guys, the case is closed by orders of the captain.
-What? That's bullshit...
-I know, I know. It seems they think we've spent too much time and energy on it and we've gotten nothing out. Not even a single drop of truth.So please, stop chasing leads, stop scooping for witnesses or prints, it's over. I'm going home, it has been an exhaustinh half year. I suggest you do the same.
James took his coat and left the building.
Twenty minutes later another letter showed up at the precinct.
''I've decided I should do the step I had thought I'd never take. I'm giving myself up.Before it's too late, come get me. The adress is this.''
-Quick, call James. We've got him now! said Jay
But the ex in-charge officer was not to be found on the phone. Probably he had turned it off to enjoy some serenity and peace of mind for the first time in six months.
-Nevermind James, if he picks up while we're on the road we'll tell him where the spot is. Now, let's move, let's move.
The whole precinct was mobilised and a convoy of 20 police cars left the station in such rush that not even the captain knew what was going on.

The remote mansion had two levels and a basement.The only road that got there was an old country road connected to another lost on the map road.There were no means of communication within the range of 30 miles and probably not even an all-seeying satellite didn't know of the existence of this place.The house had been a heritage piece the killer had gotten from his dad. He was sometimes remembering the rants about not liking the house and wanting to sell it, but in the end he was more than happy how it turned out to be.Quite a helping hand to his actions.
The basement was the main control room and source of electricity for the house.It resembled a hi-tech bunker, filled with radio stations, police stations, custom made tracking devices and other usefull tools.The first level had three rooms, a kitchen turned into a sort of lab and a toilet that was never used.The second floor was made out of another bathroom and two more rooms. One with trophies and another, bigger one, where the last 3 remaining girls on the list were caged.
The killer entered the room.
-Hello, ladies. How's it going tonight?
All 3 were sitting on the floor, shoe-less, looking skinny and shocked.
-Let us go, you bastard! Help, help, someone please help us!
-Ah, here we go again. You know screaming won't do any good, you've tried that already. Well, this is gonna end very soon, though. The puzzle didn't work out, I'm afraid, thus I'll have to kill you.
The poor girls continued screaming, through sobs and cries.
-This depresses me. Let me put some music on.Maybe that will cheer you up.
He pressed a button on his remote control and the whole house started singing Christmas carols.
He set the speakers to maximum volume and left the room.
-I'm going to prepare myself. Bye for now.
The music was so loud that he had to put headphones on not to get disturbed. He couldn't take the screams anymore. But now he couldn't hear nothing that was going on outside either.

Jay and the rest of the crew phoned James a few more times, but still no answer.
-When we're taking this sonavabitch down, I want James there aswell. He's the one that must take the laurels in this case, he's the one with the sleepless nights due to this bastard. We go in, clean, no noise and we nail the prick. I want everyone focused and ready for action.He might send us into a trap, for all we know, so be carefull.Mike, you back David and Rick. Mark, you're going with me and the first team at the entrance. Let's do it guys, let's do it!

As the police convoy pulled closer to the mansion, there was only one window lit. They could hear the music from a hundred meters.
-Is he having a party with...carols? said Mike
-Guys, don't joke. This all might be a trap. Eyes open for everything.
The policemen rushed out of their cars, clad in bulletproof vests and gas masks.
-Go, go, go, go!
-Secure the perimeter, secure the perimeter!
Mark and Jay with the first team broke the fron t door.
-It's the police, nobody move.
The music was quite an adversary.
-Fucking music! yelled Mark
Ten seconds later they were everywhere the first level, searching the rooms, making their way inside the darkness with flashlights.
-All clear!
-Upstairs, upstairs! Go, go, go!
When they broke into the trophy room, some had to take their masks off and vomit.
-Fucking sick bastard!
-I hear screams in the next room! said Jay
The 3 girls looked like ghosts to the policemen.
-Rick, give them a blanket, quick!said Jay
He turned to the ''to-be'' victims.
-Are you alone in the house? Are you alone in the house?
But due to all the screaming the girls had no more power to talk. Besides the loud music was not allowing them understand fully the cops' questions. They just pointed down.
-Ok, guys, let's check the basement. There should be one. Double check all the rooms for weapons or bombs and get these girls somewhere safe. Call an ambulance! yelled Jay at his men.
-The fucker must be somewhere hiding.

The serail killer had heard the noises and the commotion when it was too late. As he was taking the headphones off, Jay and his men had already broke into the basement.
-Don't you move, you piece of shit! Drop the headphones, drop everything. If you've got any concealed weapons, I suggest you throw them away otherwise I'll turn your ass into Swiss cheese, you fuck.And turn off the fucking music.
The killer pressed the button and silence stood between men.
-Nowhere to hide now, huh, prick? Answer me!
The serail killer didn't react in any way, other than putting his hands over his head.
-Turn around, motherfucker! said Mike
-Why should I hide, I'm the one that called you here.....said the killer
-Turn around, he said! yelled Jay
-You don't wanna do this....the killer spoke softly.
-Wait till James sees this....said Mike
The serial killer turned around, facing the police squad. An evil grin stood on his face, looking proud and content with himself.
The policemen let their guard down for a split second.
-James, is that you!!!!!??????...........


All that you've heard, read and seen
All that you wish to be and that you've been
are part of the Puzzle.

All your relatives, from nephews to nieces
Strangers you meet on streets and mates, they're all pieces
of the Puzzle.

Every breath you waste, every food you taste
Every muscle in your body or thought in your brain
You're here so don't live your life in haste
Try to figure out who's behind your shadow and what's to gain
from the Puzzle.

You might find it difficult to see it through
To realize the pieces taking form and open like a mussel
At the end you'll find out it is you
The mind behind this Puzzle.

All rights reserved Tuemckey 2009.

Tuemckey's THE PUZZLE(Piece A+B)

A.One piece at a time.

''Picture yourself in a new town. You're alone, you've no idea where you're going to and have no knowledge of your whereabouts. Now picture yourself in a back alley, badly lit. But not the type you see in films where you can always see your way around, but you're just acting accordingly.I mean the pitch black alley, 19th century old-London type of street. You hear your heartbeats pumping faster and faster, the blood running through your veins to your brain, in such frenzy you'd think it's missing a train, giving you adrenaline, making you filled with fear.Why would you fear a back alley? You can't see anything, but still, you're in a city, civilised people living in it, you know...So why would you fear a street that you wouldn't care about if you'd see it in broad daylight? Well, that's where I come in.You see, you should fear these kind os streets, cause at any moment I might pop out of the darkness and kill you. I love to kill. That's what I live for.I'm a serial killer.I haven't kept track of my ''customers'', but I'D say I've got a palmares of at least 14. And I'm just beggining. I don't wanna rush myself. I've got plenty of time.I don't wanna be known as the guy apprehended just after 3-4 months in the business, cause of a slight mistake. Besides I'm not choosing my ''clients'' on the base ''see them-kill them''. They choose me instead. You might see me in this dark alley, but if you're not my type, you'll be left without a scratch.Hell, I'll even help you get home. And I really can't say I have only one type of persons that I look for.I have to have some chemistry with them, some sort of silent agreement. I like to kill someone that is fun. You might ask how I know they'd be fun to be killed. I just do. It's a matter of seconds. Your profilers might tell you that I'm suffering of some sort of disorder of any kind just to make you believe they are justly payed. The truth is they've no bloody clue about what's happening in my head, or any other criminal head, for that matter. And I mean before, during and after the killing. Dream on!
You probably know from movies that we(serial killers) prefer a knife.It doesn't make any noise, it's light, it's less traceable and at the end of it, it doesn't leave the mammoth prints a gun or bullet might do.But I've told you enough already. I'm prepared to go out and have my next ''client''.Oh, and another thing. You won't ever catch me. I know you, but you've no idea who I am.
11:45 pm
The Real Serial killer you're looking for.''

B.The pieces have another side to them.

The interior of a police station. Lots of cops inside, paperwork to do. Phones ringing. To put it shortly, Hell on earth. For some. Just another day at the office, for others.
-He's playing with us, the in-charge with the investigation officer said while putting down the letter.
It was the same letter, the same serial killer they were chasing after.But they had gotten it for half a year almost, same day every month, same writing, all the commas and spaces between words. At first they'd thought they'd been receiving xerox copies, but they were mistaken. Every note was perfect in mimeting the last one. This guy was taking time writing these letters and surely wasn't just an average bloodbath killer.A killer that thought. making him double the danger. The number of victims must've been smaller than that. Strangely, they'd received the first letter only two days after they've discovered the 3rd victim. And no other bodies were found up till now.So, either he had planned to only have a certain number of casualties on his name, unknown for now, or they had yet to find the remaining victims.
-He's toying with us, continued the officer.
He sounded angry, stressed, at the end of his powers. With the will of making it and trying harder, but with no hope of success. He looked his partners in the eyes, looking for answers.He was expecting any of his colleagues to raise their hands and pop the solution: ''I know this guy, he's my neighbour!'' or ''I think I know who he might be, the bloke that works at the grocery store I buy liquor from'' or ''I've seen him at the strip joint I'm member of.''The in-charge officer expected any of these answers. Any would do fine. They'd call it a day and pack home, chilling in the couch, enjoying a brew or a woman, watching tv, whatever.Instead nobody said anything. This silence was the type of silence one might imagine pirates thinking about the exact place of a treasure. They had no leads, no witnesses, no prints, nothing.All they knew was that he used a knife and that he must've been using one for a long time, cause he sure finished off his victims quicly.And strangely enough, the crime places hadn't been at all at the outskirts of the city, but just small, badly-lit, side streets of packed boulevards in the centre.
It had been almost half yaer since the first victim, since the case had started, the longest one they'd had.The higher officials had tried several times to shut down investigations due to the lack of evidence and evolution of the overall case, but to no good use. He knew he'd make it, eventually. He knew they'd find out the person behind everything and smile with pleasure, grinning at him while watching the life plus sentence being given.He didn't wanna give up. he knew his team members were to be trusted and they'd come along his ideas and will with the case, no matter where those might take them all.None of them had any real family to be waiting at home, except for a couple of here-today/gone-tomorrow girlfriends and a puppy dog. The in-charge officer was the youngest of the group, yet the most determined about his work. His work was more than a job.It was his passion, his hobby, his drug. And now, after six months on a case, he got caught in the net of obsession with it.
He looked his team once more in the eyes before he spoke.
-Ok guys, let's go through what we know and what we don't know again. Maybe we've been missing something.
-Again, sarge? We've been doing it for month now already, it won't change shit. We still won't know who he is, where's he coming from and why's he breaking our balls with his perfect letters.
-Stay with me here, Jay! Remember that you all have taught me a lot when I was a newbie. And even though I'm in charge of this case, and I'm deciding what and whatnot, I still have a lot to learn from you guys, so please let's get this bastard.I won't allow myself from letting half year pass before even having a suspect, or at least a motive.So, do I have you attention now? what do we know and what we don't know, but we'll find out? Talk to me...Mike?!
-Ok, we know he's killed three women. There's no record yet of the fact that they knew eachother and for the moment there's no connection between them. We can only assume he's killed more, if we take his ''words'' onto consideration.There are no monuments, no secret rendez-vous spots for any secret associations at or around the crime scenes.The 3 places where the crimes were comitted are far apart and have no connection. As far as we know. If you look on the map they don't form any geometrical form or myth creature or anything like that. Thus, he's not basing his preferences on any of that.
-Thank you, Mike, said James, the in-charge officer.
He was pondering the information, letting it sink in deep through his senses, his pores, his skin. He wanted this information to become part of him, take action to his actions, to his thoughts and ideas , to dictate his neurons his next move.
-So, we don't have a motive?
-Apparently not. Like I said the three women had not known eachother. Thus no way tracing back their relation to the murdere, if there was any.He's picking them through the crowd like products off the shelves of a supermarket, not bearing in mind the expiry date, tags and the likes.
-Hard to believe...
-Do ask him when you meet him, will ya, sarge? jay said sarcastically, laughing softly.
-Yeah, maybe I will....., James replied, still pondering the chance of it happening. Ok, what else do we have on paper?
-All three autopsies show the victims died from wounds made by a contondent weapon, in our case a knife.No sign of drugs, pills or any pharmaceutical products were found in their bodies. No trace of bruises or signs of violence on the body , it seems they came to him and didn't oppose much.
-It seems? the in-charge officer asked angrily
-What do you mean it seems? Then it might aswell seem these murders weren't comitted cause there is no killer, it seems, cause we're not doing our job. It seems.Please guys, a lil bit more heart in this case. I know the captain has put us down so many times for not coming up with even a lead but stick with me. I feel like we've come a long way and right round the corner we might find the solution to this...puzzle of a case.
-Ok, let me finish then, Mick replied.each one of the victims was killed with a different knife.On the first two, american knives were used: a Centofante 3 by Spyderco and aHeavy Bowie 9''. The third one's european though, Miguel Nieto.All three hunting knives. Here comes the intriguing part.The tests and the autopsies have shown that the blades are the same with those that are widely available but the handles have been custom made. For a better grip, use, speed, force, you name it. The guy knows about knives.
-Is it possible to change the handle and still make it work?
-Yes, if you know how to do it. If me or any oy you would do it, chances are we'd cut our fingers off in the process of using it afterwards.This guy sure knows better.
-So, we've got no prints, thus he's using gloves. Maybe that's why he's replaced the handles, to fit with his specail gloves. Check into that, Jay, will ya?
-Yes, sarge...
-No witnesses...How come there were no homeless on the streets. The killer himself tells about back alleys.There must've been a hobo around.
-Actually no, sarge. Remember the mayor's ''Free the centre'' campaign last year? They took all the poor fellas off the nice city centre streets and threw them at the outskirts. Personally I haven't seen a homeless downtown in quite some time.
-And I've made some extra investifations.
-Do tell, Jay..
-Have you ever heard of ''The Barbie syndrome''?
-What? You mean the women obsessed with having a body like the doll?
-No, it's the book..
-What book?
-''The Barbie syndrome''. It's by this indie writer Tuemckey Shakur.
-Indian writer?
-No indie writer, as in indie-pendent.It's about this japanese guy that's killing these teen prostitutes in Tokyo and they all are dresses like schoolgirls. But his actions are triggered by math ecuations. It's quite interesting.
-Do you buy that stuff, Jay?
-Some pal gave it to me a couple years back.
-So, you think our guy read this book and then decided ''ok, why don't I become a serial killer, it's great!''. I won't believe that shit unless I see the fucking book in his fucking collection. How does it end, by the way?
-Read it yourself, sarge...
-So, the victims might be, scratch that, sorry, might've been hookers. Any record on that?
-Not yet, but we're still checking it out.
-Good. Back to work now. Captain's waiting for me for lunch. Hope he's not hungry for human meat.

They were sitting in the police restaurant, face to face, just like normal clients, minding whatever business was, enjoying whatever was there to enjoy. The police didn't own the restaurant but if was known and called as such due to the fact that a lot of cops were having breakfast or lunch there. It was pretty close to their precinct.
-So, you see captain, this is a strange case to get to the bottom of it. No fingerprints, no witnesses. There was no blood at the scenes of murder.
-What are you implying now? Vampires?
-No, I'm just saying it's strange. That's why I'm telling you I need more time to get to the core.
-You had enough time, James. Half a year.That's enough in my book. You could've solved a dozen cases in that time.At least give me a lead, a list of suspects. I'm on your ass cause the mayor's on my ass on this other side.Follow me?
James nodded.
-Last week he called me up to his office and said''Your boys are worthless, you said you'd put your best on this fucking case and here we are, six months later, still with this fucking letter in our hands, trying to figure out how the fuck has he written it, word for word, so damn good''. What was I supposed to tell him?
James nodded again.
-I told him I'd give you another week and if still no results, then I'd close the case.
-What? Captain! Me and my team have been busting our balls to try and find just a piece of truth in this big pile of shit.I sense I'm close to getting this motherfucker, but I need more time!
-You don't have any, James! My meeting with the mayor was last week. You've got two days left! Let's just keep the victims' number at three.
-What if the victims are more than that? Just like he said?
-Every nutcase says that.They're the kind of people that'd think they killed Jesus or JFK. You can't believe a killer. You know better than that.
-It's the cop hunch, Captain...
-Cop hunch, huh?Let me give you a piece of advice, James. Leave the ''hunch'' at home from now on, just like I did ten years ago, and you might become something. Gotta run now, got another meeting with the mayor. See you James.
-Good day, captain.
Both men stood and shook hands.
Despite the fact that the captain was part of the precinct and had backed everyone, aswell as kicking their arses, James knew little or nothing about him as a person.He had no recolection of the captain speaking about or even mentioning kids and a wife, and his house with the infamous 500 rare books library was quite an urban legend in its own right within the station.He found that strange, after all these years working with the captain, to be having so little info on him.He, and most of his colleagues thought the captain to be highly inteligent, although they had no evidence to actually back up their theory.
After lunchJames returned home, walking through the half-deserted city, due to a very cold autumn rain.Coincidence or not, he passed near a crime scene and he stopped there for a few moments.The alley looked dark, indeed, and uninviting for any stroller, but there was nothing to it so menacing, so evil, as the serial killer would put it himself.No black, hungry for blood tentacles creeping from beneath the asphalt, no ghosts screeeming eerie and softly, trying to lure new victims, no serial killers, waiting in the dark with custom made knives. Obviously, no fingerprints and no witnesses. It was quite an interesting place, actually.
Right around the corner, one of the most hip restaurants in town was greeting its customers and during evenings, when the serial killer supposedly attacked, a long queue formed outside its premises. Two blocks away there was a taxi station, buzzing with people of all ages and races, like a big bee-hyve. Could have been that the killer used on of the taxis to flee the crime scene easily.Or maybe the killer was one of the cab drivers. Maybe one of the customers refused to pay, thus making him comit a murder. And maybe, afterwards, the newbie killer got a taste of it and just continued with the whole thing.Not likely to have happenned, James thought.He just continued his was home. He was tired. His eyes hurt.
Ever since the first victim and first letter he accused this peculiar eye problem, as if something was stuck in his eye, bothering him from inside the cornea.He had made an eye test at some point, but the doctor had told him there was nothing he could notice at that moment and had advised him to take another test. Unfortunately he had no time to.
There was no familiar voice welcoming him home as he opened the door to his apartment and stepped on the rug. Not even a bark.He had no pictures of relatives hanging on the walls.He thought that'd bring bad luck for work. Maybe he should've started putting on some frames now, considering how the case was going.
It wasn't until he reached his bedroom that he noticed someone had broken in. Which was strange, cause his pay was not a sum thieves would be longing for. He wasn't , either. Was this entering related to the case somehow or just some petty burglar that chose the wrong target.There were no documents missing and after a thorough inspection he concluded that everything was still belonging to him, the only damage done would be a couple hours of cleaning and putting everything in order.
It had been an exhausting 6 months. First the case and the numerous sleepless nights thinking who the killer might be. Some more sleepless nights due to his eye problems. And now this, having his house penetrated by soemone that was clearly looking for something, but couldn't find it.
James decided she should announce some fellow colleagues, maybe they could get some prints. He wasn't in the mood to start another investigation now. He went for the phone but a split second before he dialed the first 9, he froze.He put the phone down and grabbed the envelope laying next to it. He ripped it open and read the note inside. He recognised the writing, infamous by now, the same one used in the letters they'd received at the station.
''Meet me here. We need to talk.''
He put on his jacket, packed with two extra clips for his gun and went out.

lunedì 19 ottobre 2009

Nothing to do..

..that's why I thought I could reccomend some movies.
Talladega nights
Role models
Zack and Miri make a porno
I love you, man
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Old school
School for scoundrels
Step brothers
Walk hard
Hot rod
and some musicians
Klaus Schulze
Tangerine Dream
Edgar Froese
Jerome Froese
Ulrich Schanuss
Johannes Schmoelling
Gert Emmens
Ruud Heij
ron Boots
Rene van der wouden
Erik Wollo
Frank van Bogaert
Von haulshoven
Dutch Space mission
Wolfram Spyra
Pete Namlook
David Wright
Code Indigo
Skip Murphy
Craig Padilla
Zero Ohms
Steve Roach
Rudy Adrian
Free System Projekt
Eppie E Hulshof
Bernd Kistenmacher
Omega Syndicate
Adelbert von Deyen
Robert Schroeder
Erik Seifert
Erez Yaary
Jeffrey Koepper
Dom F Scab
Thomas Fanger
Mario Schonwalder
Bas Broekhuis
Carbon Based Lifeforms
Peter Mergener
Cosmic Hoffman.....
etc etc etc etc etc.....

The Roman holidays.....

All roads lead to Rome. Rome is the world's capital.The most beautiful city in the world.
We've heard them all, and in parts, they are true.
But there's a face to Rome that the average tourist doesn't know about until it's too late:the scammers.What do I mean exactly? Well, let's just say you're planning a holiday in Rome, preparing the budget, places to visit, fares, prices, all that. Don't do it. Why? Cause your budget and initial planning might get a hard slap in its face once you're ''enjoying'' yourselves on the streets of Rome, in one of your restaurants or museums.Let me get to the point.
I work as a waiter in a restaurant in Rome. Although I'd reccomend it happily to anyone interested, at the same time I'd like to tell people to stay away from it.Why?
Hmmmm...(clearing throat) well, you arrive there, get seated, enjoy nice Italian cuisine(made express, by the way), some nice wine to it and at the end bang! the bill arrives and you notice that you've got to pay a 15% service charge extra to what you've eaten and drunk. Now, sometimes if you get pizza and pasta you might not get it at the same time, the beef is not of high quality(I'm always eating beef on my day off and it's ten times better that the one I work with, although I buy it from a supermarket), although the price shows otherwise. So why should you pay 15% extra? What for? Now, the trouble is the bill tells you this 15% coming from nowhere is actually service charge, meaning that most of my customers think I'm putting these money into my pocket. I wish...The truth is this 15% is all for the owner, they don't pay taxes off it and it's quite illegal as well. So, I'm not nicking anyone's money. Please don't look at me as if I've robbed you. I don't have the intention, never had.What's nice to know too, is that if you happen to eat in one of these restaurants where they teach you a lesson with either a service , bread or cover charge, you'll be paying all of it just cause you're a foreigner and if you ask about ''what's this or what's that'' they might treat you by speaking Italian, although they might've grabbed you inside the locale in English. Italians don't pay such things. Don't let yourselves fooled by ''it's a goverment tax'' or ''it's because this reastaurant lies in the centre''. That's just bollocks.
Here's some other examples of real Roman scammers.
A couple months ago there was a case discussed in local papers about a Japanese couple that ended up paying a total of 700 euros for a dinner.Including 150 euros for the TIP!!!!
Another Jap lost some 4000 euros in a night club for a bottle of Champagne!!!!
Roman ''gladiators'' asking 20 euros for a photo with them!!!
You might end up paying triple the price for a coffee just because you take a seat!!!
The hotel room you booked is no longer available due to internet problems(sic!!) thus resulting in paying more for another room but with the same services.
So, people, in case you're planning a holiday in Rome, be wise and take my advice: go to Croatia, go to Portugal, go to Cyprus, Malta, Egypt, go any other place than Rome. Go some place where money has value and you're not getting back flat broke with no memories, no souvenirs and not even served for what you've payed!
Good luck,

Tattoos are wicked, dude.....

Ok, we can be frank with ourselves, can't we? Well then, let's recognise the fact that, at one point or another in life, we've all wanted a tattoo. Wether it be a heart or your parents' names or just some satanic symbol , we've wanted one. Don't deny this right now.....
From having the will of getting a tattoo and actually crossing to the other side of waking up each morning looking at one on your arm or any other body part is a long way. You see, I don't get tatted people. I mean, it's cool and all and gives somewhat of a harder edge to their personality, but what's the point? Will you still like it in two years time? Will you like it when you're 70 and the skin becomes wrinkled and plain ugly-looking due to, in parts, having a tattoo? Cause I was wondering what Angelina Jolie thought about her Billy Bob tattoo after they'd broke up. ''God damn, I hate the bastard now, so what am I supposed to do with the bloody thing?'' Just like any other thing in life, you like it today, you find it boring the next one. That's how it goes.
I admit I'd be more scared of a tatooed large biker, although he'd be a peaceful bloke, rather than a clean-cut psychotic killer that doesn't look the part and hasn't got any tattoes.I don't make any sense now, do I?
My beef with tattoos is mainly about the persons that get these hip Chinese characters that they don't even know the real meaning of.And what is even more ironic is that most of the times these foreign language characters, that look cool on human skin, I admit, have no meaning whatsoever. It's just jibberish.Would anyone like to have a tattoo with an English jibberish invented word? I didn't think so myself.....
Thus I come to my conclusion, next time you'll want a tattoo, just read a good book and tattoo your mind with some knowledge.
Peace out,

martedì 15 settembre 2009

What have I done (Ad-hoc killer)

------inspired by real events------

With his hands shaking, he put on his shirt, before he went out his parents' house.
He just started to walk around the small town, his consciousness feeling numb, his body feeling like somebody else's. The sea would calm him down, put his thoughts and memory into place. So he reckoned, at least.It was four in the morning but the heat of the night wasn't territory one bit. Besides the nearby town of Ajaccio was a thriving port and nightlife centre. That must've kept the sparkling ''fire'' of the night alive.
There was no moon to be seen guarding the sky, so when he left the artificial lit streets he had to dabble in the dark till his eyes grew accustomed to it.
The beach felt cold and lonely, no more footprints hurting its body, no more cigarette butts burning its spirit, no more noisy kids, no more human invasion.The sea was calm and most likely sleeping its few hours of tranquility till the morning tourists would spoil and damage its integrity.
Despite the darkness he was swimming in, it was on the beach, looking at the sea, that he noticed that his hands were full of blood. He wasn't shaking anymore but was still in shock.
And the bigger shock camewhen, little by little, bits of his memory came back to his brain, painting the whole perfect picture of what had just happened.
''What have I done?'' was the first thought that crossed his mind. He wanted to go back to his house, see if it was true, but he hidn't find the courage to.Instead he preffered to take another stroll under the same trance-like state he'd been in when he left the house.He felt he didn't have to explain the situation to himself, but to someone else. He wouldn't understand his own actions, but maybe a neutral part would be wiser in terms of advising him.Thus he turned to one of his friends who lived close enough to the streets where he was now losing touch with reality.His heavy zombie-like feet brought him slowly to his friend's house where he phoned him.
-Listen, Jacques, I can't understand a word you're saying...just come up and we'll talk.
At 5 in the morning his friend didn't find it the right time to discuss, if only was it for serious things.And this was some serious matter. Worth to wake up a friend or anybody else, for that matter.
His friend brought him to his room and by the time he actually opened the door, he noticed his hands and felt a shiver down his spine.
-Merde, is that blood on your hands, Jacques?
His tanned face turned pale. Jacques was still under shock and it wasn't until he sat down and rested his once again shaking hands that one could get in ''touch'' with him.The happenings came back to him and he could make proper understandable sentenses.
-I killed my family, Phillippe...
He didn't look his friend in his eyes while saying it, instead his stare wandered on his parents and brother invisible presences that he must've felt.
A lonesome tear came down his cheek.
-Don't give me this shit, Jacques. I'm gonna call your house right now.
Four calls and a dozen rings later and still no answer. Phillippe turned to Jacques. He hadn't taken his eyes off him since he noticed the bloody hands but now he was ready to take him seriously and hear the facts.
-I want you to be sincere with me, tell me what happened. None of the family murder stuff. What did you do? Kill a rat, a goat, a weasel, what?
It took Jacques a couple of moments to begin his story-telling.
-I woke up at 2 in the morning and...
-Wait, don't leave me outside till half way through the story. There must be something else before that.
-No, phillippe, there isn't, I'm telling you the truth.
Phillippe gave him an unconvinced gaze.
-Go on...
-I woke up, couldn't sleep. I felt trapped in this dream. A dream I couldn't escape.
-A nightmare?..
-Not really. Just a dream.
-What was it about, this dream?
-What the fuck do you mean nothing? First you tell me about a dream, feeling trapped in it and now you give me the bollocks it wasn't about anything. What was it, a blank screen of a dream?
-I went downstairs and took the biggest knife we had in the house. It shined in the dark, making the way to my brother's room much easyer.I was standing there,looking at him, with the knife in my hand...It didn't take me more than half a minute till I started punching him with it. He'd never wake up......Then I heard my mom had been waking up. I didn't make any noise, mind you, but I reckon she must've felt something terrible had happened, so I rushed to my parents' room and there she was, trying to wake up my dad. She saw me and asked me if anything was wrong. I said no. Then I wispered to her ear ''Marco's gone'' and hugged her. At the same time the blade made its way into her back, she didn't even have time to struggle.As you know, my dad had a few drinks before bed and remained there , snoring, feeling nothing whatsoever. So, I took a cushion and shoved it on his face and kept putting pressure on it for about a couple of minute. I wasn't sure I had the job right, he wasn't moving or anything but he rarely does when sleeping so I had to use my knife once again. I kept staring at their bodies afterwards, feeling proud of what I'd acccomplished. I don't remember if I cried or not....Then I went out, shocked, but not because I had just murdered my family, but more cause I'd seen them dead.I can't tell you why I've done it....truth is at the moment, I don't know the reason myself.....
Without looking at Jacques, Phillippe rose from his chair and called the police.
-Send a car at Rue de Letieres, 16, please, it's urgent!
He felt more than deranged, he had let in his friend to discuss at first, now he had listened a killer voice his murders....