
giovedì 3 settembre 2009

Domestic violence

I was riding the tram yesterday, as rarely I do, going to work , when a woman passed in front of me. Yes, I know, you see those every corner of every street, but not all of them are like this one was.She was wearing shorts and the bruises(read scars and the whole nine yard) were quite visible on her legs. Now, I'm not gonna assume she's into that line of work or that her presumed pimp or clients hit her. She was in her late thirties, for bloody sake. Why should she be working that job, or anybody else, for that matter.
Now, I hate the ''I fell on the stairs'' or ''a rabid dog chsed me and bit me in the process'' type of stupid explanations to cover up what's crystal clear to Stevie Wonder himself:men violence on women.
I can't grasp the concept of a woman being harrased, beaten, hit, whatever and still hang out with the attacker or love him.Cause I'd need to take a deep breath before I could start naming all the cases I know or heard about about doemstic violence and whatnot.
One other thing I was interested in pointing out was that lots of these abused women, may they be wives or not, don't even complain. I don't understand their state of submission. I ain't saying the abused shoud turn into vigilantes and shit, but for fuck sake girls, have a bit more pride. Cause the vicious cycle goes like this ''he hits you, you don't do shit-he hits you, you can't leave him-he hits you, you won't leave him-he hits you, you love him''. Ain't that a bitch!?
I understand how love goes(don't we all think likewise?) and all that but still, how can they put up with it.I mean, on one side you've got the feminist movement, but on the other side the reverse of the medal shows another face to it.
A few months ago, while I was returning from my home country back to Rome, I had the pleasure to meet two gals(aren't I the charmer?!) whom with I chatted the whole two and half hours flight.Besides non-sense we got ourselves in a threesome conversation about cheating and shit.One of them was married and expecting a baby, too.(She was 25yo, though)
And she said that in case she found out, and I mean literally found her husband with another woman she wouldn't dump him.Not only that, but she'd think she was part of the motive why he'd cheat, due to her not fullfilling her wife duties, whichever are those.Now, what about that? Could anything be more fucked-up than that?
Ah, I'm already tired of the subject for now. I'll be back with new ideas as soon as i feel the need to re-open the topic. Until then, if I see a woman with bruises I'll ask what king of job she's got.


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